WaMu Sucks!

I've been a WaMu account holder - both for myself and for my business - for the past 10 years in both California and New York. I've also had personal and business WaMu MasterCards that entire time.

I never use my personal WaMu card to purchase anything, I just have about a $3,500 balance transfer on there because they offered me a very low rate compared to the card I transferred it from.

In Nov, for the first time ever, I was 2 days late in making my payment - a payment that is ALWAYS higher than the minimum payment that WaMu sets.

So, what does WaMu do? They charge me a $39 late fee.
Then they lower my Credit Line because they declare that I'm a high credit risk.

How did they determine that I'm a high credit risk?

Well, in addition to being 2 days late FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, WaMu also said that my monthly payments are TOO LOW.

But remember that I said I ALWAYS make a payment that's HIGHER than the minimum set by WaMu? Well, they said that my HIGHER PAYMENTS were TOO LOW.

Does that make fucking sense to you? It doesn't make fucking sense to me.
But then, that must be "WaMu sense".

In addition to this, they fucked up my FICO score because they reported my 2 day late payment.

I can't wait for JPMorganChase to fire 12,000 of these fucking idiots pretty soon.