WaMu Sucks!

To see just how much this site has gotten under Washington Mutual's skin, I decided to do some Google searches related to WaMu and see how this site is ranked (as of 9/24/08):

Washington Mutual

We aren't listed anywhere on this search, but I had to laugh, when I did this search yesterday, right at the top of the page above the first link it showed "related searches: washington mutual bankrupt."

washington mutual customer satisfaction department

Second link, 1st page.

washington mutual customer satisfaction

Middle of the first page

washington mutual sucks

Top link, 1st page!

wamu sucks

Second link, 1st page.


Third link from the top!!!! Now that is a reason to say Wooo Hooo! This is a big change from a month ago.

washington mutual problems

Seventh link, 1st page.

washington mutual complaints

Near the top of the 3rd page.

If you have any other suggestions for interesting Google searches, please let me know.

washington mutual corporate office

On the 1st page.