WaMu Sucks!

My name is Jenny and I have had an account with Washington Mutual for over three years. Last month I did an online payment to WAMU, the same way I have done my online payment each and every month, with the same acount, same everything. However, this month I was making a very large payment, almost wiping out the debt that I have owed to them. So, I paid my large payment, and checked my account, they returned my payment, hmmmm. So I called customer service ( which is located in the Phillipines) and was told by the customer service representitive "we do not accept payments that large" this is why my payment had been returned. My response was, if you do not accept such large payments then why do you offer the option to pay off your entire balance on your web page???? Of course the CSR had no answer, and processed the payment a second time over the phone with me confirmation number and all, again same account information. Ta Da Thought that I had finally accomplished what I had been trying to do, alas I was mistaken they returned my second payment for reasons unknown. So, I again make the payment online a third time, same information. The payment processes. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the payment posted to my account I noticed that my available credit was zero. So again I called customer service, the reason the second payment had been returned had come to light, the CSR submitted the account information incorrectly, we all make mistakes right? Well, long story short, the reason for my zero available credit was due to returned payments, and my account was CLOSED. In over three years I have never had a late or even missed payment, this is the only time that this has ever happened. They made the error in submitting the information to my bank, because of THEIR error, my account was closed. The stickler of the whole story here, instead of having my 18% interest rate on the leftover balance, because "they were forced" to close my account, my interest rate is now 29.99%. HELP!!!!! Can anyone give me the number to corpor ate customer service????


(Peter): I found some more numbers you might try:

Executive Response Team
Customer Relations Manager
Washington Mutual Bank
(800) 225-5497 Opt. 1 Ext. 467
Fax (206) 965-3082

(206) 377-8196, (206) 461-2000, (206) 461-6414, or (206) 461-8779. You can try asking for Ms Cindy Modica, VP of Quality Service Management

This was from an old post, so the numbers and people may no longer be valid.