WaMu Sucks!

Kevin Fujii with the Seattle contacted me about doing a story on the human face of the WaMu catastrophe:

My name is Kevin Fujii. I'm a picture editor at The Seattle Times. And, Im wondering if you can help us out.

With all these stories we're doing about the sell of WaMu, foreclosures, their failures, gov't seizure, lay offs and such, I feel we're missing something. We're missing the people affected by this banking institution's failure. "How does it affect the human condition?" I keep asking myself.

From reading your Web site, I gather you're in Calif. Has anyone in the Seattle/Tacoma area who's been affected by WaMu's failures contacted you. And, if they have, would you kindly forward my email to them, please?

I would like to get a visual project of someting akin to "the faces WaMu failed". Maybe a series of portraits or a multimedia piece for our Web site with stills and audio or a video piece.

I'm looking for people affected by WaMu's failure. Maybe those who lost their homes because of the sub-prime mortgage mess, lost their job with WaMu and will openly criticize their former employer and any other way a Seattle-area WaMu customer/employee/contractor/client have been affected by their failures.

If you are a victim of the WaMu failure, and want to be part of their story, please email Kevin Fujii at "kfujii at seattletimes dot com" (at = '@', dot = '.' and remove the spaces).