Chase says to customer, go somewhere else

Well, they might as well have.  Found this recently in response to a post about Chase:

I have perfect credit and when I went t get a loan for a car I only needed 3k because I had the rest saved up..well after being drilled about the year make and model (which they said I couldn’t get one older than 2006 or they would not loan) they said I had to borrow a minimum of $7000 and there will be penalties if I paid it off before a certain amount of years, that was very ridiculous.

Wow, Chase sure has a lot of rules for a simple car loan.  It just begs the question, do they really want customers?

1 Comment

  • By SamSol, June 13, 2010 @ 6:09 pm

    What EVER you do-do NOT – I repeat – do NOT ask them a simple question. It confuses them. They will transfer you from here to INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!!!!!!! You think I’m kidding? I don’t know what master piece was in charge of “customer service” but it’ll be a sad day when the wrath of the money god’s come down upon them. Cry me a freakin river. Chase is just a code word for world sharia governance. happy now? Next time, either train your agents better or hire the properly trained people that speak the language. Read into that what you will. Nonetheless, if you can’t answer a simple 5 word question….see ya.

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