How to Contact Chase
Here is all the additional contact information we have come across.
(See the bottom of this post for the latest info)
If you are calling Chase’s main banking number, here is a visual phone tree.
VP of Customer Service (so we are told) at Chase:
Deb Walden
PO BOX 15919
Wilmington, DE 19850
(302) 594-4000 office
(888) 643-9628 fax
Here is another Chase contact to try to ask for help when you can’t find anyone else to help you:
Mr. Frank Bisignano
Chief Administrative Officer
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
270 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017-2014
Having a problem with the banking side of Chase? Here is a contact to try:
Heather Joyner
Executive Specialist
800.242.7399 ext. 51279
713-262-1279 Direct Line
FAX: 281-915-0984
Having a problem with Chase? Email Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon for help at or try or send him snail mail at:
James Dimon
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
JP Morgan Chase
270 Park Avenue, 39th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212-270-1111
Fax : 212-270-1121
E-Mail Address:
Charlie Scharf CEO Retail Financial Services (i.e. head of JPMorgan Chase retail banking)
Phone: 212-270-5447
Fax: 212-270-5448
E-Mail Address:
Gerald A. Smith CEO Credit Card Services
Phone: 302-282-3100
Fax: 302-282-3939
E-Mail Address:
Marc Sheinbaum CEO-Retail Auto and Education Finance
Phone: 516-745-3838
Fax: 516-745-4040
E-Mail Address:
David B. Lowman CEO Home Lending
Phone: 636-735-2121
Fax: 314-256-2800
E-Mail Address:
Kevin D. Cook, Home Lending Executive Office Supervisor
614-422-7839 (phone)
614-388-9912 (fax)
Here is a link to lots of contact information for Chase.
Here is a number supposedly for the Chase Executive Team, whatever that is: 800-242-7339
Numbers for Chase executive customer service:
713-262-3866 (Banking, Michelle Crabtree)
800-242-7399 (Banking, General number)
888-622-7547 x 4350 (Credit card, general)
888-622-7547 x 6833 (Credit card, Jessica)
888-622-7547 x 6164 (Credit card, Sharon)
888-622-7547 x 6838 (Credit card, Patrick)
Direct numbers for WaMu loss mitigation (if you are behind on your mortgage and need help). We haven’t verified these numbers
(866) 926-8937
(888) 453-3102
(800) 478-0036
(800) 254-3677
Thanks Consumerist! (link and link)
Here is a handy guide to the Chase phone tree to get to where you want quicker.
Frustrated WaMu customer Alan tells gave me this number to get directly to a live person at WaMu without any prompts: 866-394-4034. He also designed WaMu a new logo:
If you want to record your phone conversations with WaMu/Chase, read this.
Update 8/23/12: A reader gave us the helpful number:
Chase executive office 888 622 7547 ext 6773 Esmeralda Vasquez, she was very helpful and she truly was a customer advocate. She assisted me with a fraud account opened in my name and later charged off and sold to some collection agency that took me to court. She retrieved the account(that was sold over 5 years ago) and had those jerks release the judgment.
Also I got a hold of Ms. Vasquez by first calling the banking side executive office at 800-242-7399 for all of those that have issued related to banking
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By cary weiss, October 12, 2013 @ 1:08 pm
I was harassed by Chase unendingly in 2012. I had issues with partial payments, changed monthly amounts, Escrow changes,placement of payments held in reserve accounts. I would go in every month and pay my mortgage to a baker to make sure it was correct. With all the confusion and harassment I ended up overpaying for 2 months in april and may 2012. I went in to a branch and asked if these extra payments could be applied to my current and future monthly payment and was told they could not, that the payments were applied to principal and there was nothing I could do. I never was asked or consented to this. Has anyone encountered this? Any advice?
By Robb, November 11, 2013 @ 8:41 pm
I have a particularly awful tale about Chase.
In November 2012 my spouse was diagnosed with terminal cancer at age 31. Our financial situation was a daily struggle just to keep him cared for and have his meds on hand while he tried to battle Stage III Melanoma. All the while Chase was gouging us with the near usury-level fees for even the slightest transgression.
In June of 2013 we were in bad shape. I could not afford my partner’s chemo nor his pain meds. With the chemo we’d been told not to miss any doses (2x per day) or it could cease working for him. My family from out of town sent me an $8,000 check to cover expenses. We deposited it and Chase told us we would have access to the funds in 48 hours.
After 48 hours there were no funds. Chase told me that they’d put a special 10 day administrative hold on the check but would not tell me why. They were rude as hell, cold to the extreme and utterly unconcerned about our situation. My partner now was out of his meds, in searing pain and without chemo. My family sent me a printout from their bank showing the funds had cleared. Chase pretended not to see it or just ignored it entirely. I sent it 3x and they never even acknowledged it. And when I called every day and begged them to just release $300 to buy his meds, they said no. And they held that money, wrongly, for the full 10 business days without flinching.
My partner died on September 10, 2013.
And I believe wholeheartedly that Chase killed him just as surely as if they’d walked up and shot him.
As a thank you, 2 weeks after he died they closed my account and sent me a letter asking me to pay them $400 in fees so they don’t report me as a bad account risk.
Yeah, I wouldn’t pay them either. Never going to happen. I’m going to see if their CEO can be arrested for negigent homicide instead.
By Alfred Lawrence Patterson, November 13, 2013 @ 9:52 am
Is this the correct address to contact: James Dimon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, J P Morgan Chase, 270 Park Avenue, 39th Floor, New York, New York 10017, Fax 212-270-1121, email I, Alfred Lawrence Patterson, Sole Proprietor of American Republic Association, make this Offer to J P Morgan Chase
as stated in the website address I look forward to your reply pertaining to the confirmation of how to contact the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Mr. James Dimon, Thank you.
By Sade, June 25, 2014 @ 12:49 pm
Chase agents refused to remove a late fee of $25 when I have a perfect record, but because I messed up 2x in a 6 month cycle, they refused to remove the fee…and I will now close all of my accounts with Chase, Banking and Checking, guess they value $25 over thousands of dollars from a very loyal and consistent customer of 15 years!!! HMMMM go figure Chase! Plenty of companies out there willing to take my business.
By james damico, December 20, 2014 @ 2:02 pm
I opened a checking account with chase the ran
my name issued the account card checks the folder only for them to close the account 3 days later. Now it has been a month since and i have still not got my 100 dollars back what will it take I think this bank should be closed up their practices only serve themselves
By Spring St. Amant, February 28, 2015 @ 12:32 pm
My husband opened a high school account for my daughter 3years ago. The policy stated for 13-17 year old and stated when my daughter turned 18 it would be her sole account. My daughter trying to be a friend allowed one of her friends to cash there check in her account only to find out the checks were fraudulent. Chase allowed these people to deposit 3 different checks at 3 different locations Miami, a city we do not live in within 40minutes apart at 3 different locations for Chase and never questioned it. The checks didn’t even have watermarks on them but Chase emptied out my husband and I joint account to pay off the debt even though we went straight to the police after finding this out and found that this scam has been done by this individual several times even as a minor. Chase froze our accounts, emptied out all of our money and refused to unfreeze our accounts even after all the fraudulent funds were returned to them. Chase has treated us like the thieves after 15 years of banking with them and no history of any problems on our accounts. I am disabled and all of my funds are directly deposited into the account as well as my husband payroll and they never notified me of any problems. Upon talking to the police we are still awaiting the thief to be caught. Chase was notified that my daughter Atm card was stolen as well and refused to return that money either. Other banking institutions such as Wells Fargo has safety nets to protect the customers but a large financial institutions such as Chase doesn’t. They do not seem to value us as a customer or people who have never had any issues with them. They also took every dime of our income tax money and refuse to return it even though we told them it wasn’t our actions or fault. This bank sucks but when they needed a bail out from the government due to their need they got it. They have totally shut down our lives, all of our bills are being rejected right now and on the verge of having our lights cut off and Chase said there was nothing they could for us and would not even investigate nothing on our behalf although their tellers received deposited these 3 fraudulent checks and will take no responsibility for that. Also making all the funds Available immediately! Who does that. As soon as all this is taken care of and all of our creditors are change over to our new banking we will no longer be a Chase fucked customer! Every chance I get I will let everyone I know about this douche of a bank!
By Larry Murray, March 5, 2015 @ 6:47 am
Chase allow people to take money out of my account when it was fraud and refuse to give it back when I have proof.. next step legal action against there sorry service.. 10 years with them 5 accounts get treated like shit…
By Ferrarri Trillo, March 30, 2015 @ 6:04 am
I’m usually OK with Chase. I’ve just had a HORRIBLE time getting off a card that isn’t mine. Chase won’t allow me off it even though it’s not my account! Longest drama story ever.
I’m hoping someone reads this and can tell me if they know the mailing address for the main legal department for Chase. I want to give it to my lawyer, but all I can find is the address that you would send subpoena’s. The more I do the less time my lawyer spends on it = less money out of pocket paying for legal services.
By Bobbie, April 2, 2015 @ 11:08 am
Wade Miller is California Attorney specializing in Credit Card Fraud, check to see what else he does. Larry Murray, find a small community bank or local credit union caters to public at large in your City. Spring St.. Amant: tell your daughter and or children NEVER give bank access to anyone, it’s like I taught children NEVER lend their car to anyone ( an elderly friend taught me that) because the person you lend your car to could have warrant and until recently if the driver got caught you had your car in impound for 30 days with all the fees, you might have lost your car.
Personally believe a lot of chase fraud is from within, heard so many true stories and experienced the nightmare. We may have a checking Account but we have no checks issued or pin Numbers, or ATM cards to eliminate fraud; when money hits the account we are there at 9 a.m. To take it all out of Bank, and go straight to Pay bills. We figured out system to pay our bills with NO MORE BANKING FEE’s or bounced checks. Giving NO chance for fraud and no more bank fee’s and or fraud. Savings Account: We have posted no one can take out money without I.D. and in person to withdrawal. Seen so much fraud over the years and heard about Chase.
If this is powered by WordPress then why no reply’s? See also and read those 19 comments.
By Bobbie, April 2, 2015 @ 11:21 am
In read all the comments it’s like we are all held Hostage by this evil bank. Let’s all get Bumper Stickers: Better yet email this entire site to all your family, friends, enemies etc. INFORM everyone, tell everyone.
I watched a Boycott in Tustin, CA where the customers put a Starbucks out of business that took over a Dietrich’s Coffee Store and Starbucks didn’t listen to the people who were the clients/ customers (one of the busiest stores ever seen and brought people from all over not to mention Colleges, Major Bike Groups etc; it was a great place). People boycotted and put them Starbucks out of business in two years. It would be nice if everyone pulled their monies out of Chase (all entities) and did the same.
By Bobbie, April 2, 2015 @ 11:55 am
Per CBS news in March, Mr. Diamon gave 100 Million to Detroit to rebuild their city, sounds like they made the money off all the backs of the working class and or poor to pay the bill per the above complaints? How sad.
By Radhika, April 17, 2015 @ 11:50 am
True Chase Sucks.
My IRA account got transfered from WaMu to Chase and after repeated request for roll over they refuse to transfer the money. I am tired of following up. They are the biggest suckers. Soon would be out of business.
By MAngle, May 6, 2015 @ 7:50 pm
Chase is operated by incompetent staff from the bottom all the way up to the executive offices of JPMorgan. Chase lost a $60,000 retirement fund that I trusted them to manage in an IRA rollover account. Chase admitted to negligence when they discovered they forgot to mail time-critical documents and missed the roll over deadline. An irreversible error caused severe damages and was escalated up to JPMorgan corporate office. They had the nerve to write an apology with the refusal to compensate. In my opinion, this bank should not be in business. The customer care is dispicable. If I had unlimited resources, I would have sued Chase. Don’t trust your hard earned money with these idiots. Chase Bank is NOT RECOMMENDED!
By MAngle, May 6, 2015 @ 7:56 pm
Good idea by Bobbie…….we should put bumper stickers on our cars directing people to this website. Shame on Chase, this bank is evil!
By Leslie, June 10, 2015 @ 3:03 am
I deposited a legitimate check into my account for my sister. It was a settlement check from a car accident. Chase froze my account and said that if the check is good and not fraudulent that they will release my funds. The check has cleared and chase is still refusing to lift the freeze and release the funds.
By JC, June 11, 2015 @ 4:32 pm
I was sad to read these postings. I have been in Modification with JP Morgan Chase for 3 years now. Everything everyone has said in this column is true but there is so much more. They misappropriate funds which I do think is against the law. If you heard in news about Fannie Mae? Who services Fannie Mae? Poor Fannie Mae, JP Morgan Chase will and is their downfall. Fannie Mae should pull all their loans from JP Morgan Chase today. When JP Morgan Chase misappropriates your funds what do you think that does to their stock? Hmmm They lost all my data and still haven’t put it back up on my account I could tell you so many things these incompetent people have done. I agree about the car sticker! I tell everyone I know and strangers DO NOT USE CHASE/JP MORGAN CHASE!
By james troli, July 1, 2015 @ 11:15 am
chase employees are awful, rude and incompetent. me and my wife just spent over 4 weeks and it feels like 100’s of hours of our time being transferred around and lied to. i don’t think many of there employees even where paying any attention to what i was saying it was a waste of my time and theres. The where just wanting in till it was time to go home. MY request was a simple information request about a check that we did not get. At any other company this take at the most a 20 minutes. what did work was calling the CEO number 212 270 1111. They will try to transfer you to a call center where the employees are again awful, rude and incompetent. Do not let them transfer you. Demand that the person that answer the phone updates you about the status of you case. the will lie to you and hang up on or put you hold. you may have to call a couple of times. this is the only thing that works. only till this CEO number is tied up will any of the departments help you. its sad i had to do that but no one else will help unless the people that answer this number time is taken up. my time is just as important as there. the should improve there customer service if the don’t what people calling the CEO number. Again do not let them transfer you. make the person who answer the phone get involved. also other numbers i got are tony garder at 614 422 0784 she is 1st level manger who helped me after 8 days. also call anthony M. at 813 584 3108 he is at security and tell him you want him to get involved because there customer service is so poor. The government should break this bank up. my wife is nurse and i am Veteran of the first gulf war who works nights to help to pay for my wife’s school to become a NP. if any of these employees got this level of customer service from me or wife it would be criminal. they should feel ashamed. we deserve better customer service.
By Chuck, July 22, 2015 @ 12:31 pm
We opened an acccount on June 26, 2015. On June 29, a letter went out informing us that Chase is severing the relationship with us. By the time we received the letter, Direct deposit had been set up.
Chase has refused to return the initial direct deposit to us. They claim “The check is in the mail.” We are still waiting for OUR money.
By chris, July 28, 2015 @ 3:39 am
Hello Ms. Joyner
Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is — and I have been a Chase Bank customer for several years, though my checking account has been through other banks prior to Chase for over 20 years.
I am emailing you in the hope that you may be able to address a serious issue i encountered with Chase Bank customer service while i was outside the United States. In my opinion, my story is significant not only to myself but to other Chase customers who travel frequently…so please bear with me.
I live and work in Eastern Province in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. So I am “full time” outside the US.
I travel a lot outside the US and Saudi and use my checking account debit card.
My most recent leave was to Indonesia to the the island of Bali. During that trip i used my debit card with a merchant and it came up “declined” due to security reasons by Chase. I appreciate this feature that Chase offers as I feel protected.
I called the customer service number for being outside the US. For my personal security operating in Saudi, I use a loaded phone with a Saudi phone number.
Now 12 months ago, when i called this number a CS rep told me they would call me back. The call back feature is very important as a call to the US phone number uses up the load on my sim card very quickly.
However, on July 15th when i called the CS number i was told that i could not get a call back…that the “system was not set up” to call me on a “Non-US phone number.”
Nevertheless, the interchange and transfer with Chase fraud dept went relatively quickly and I was verified. The fraud dept rep also made notes in my account that i would be in Indonesia for another two weeks, that i would be in Saudi Arabia by the end of July, and that I would be back in the US in November or February.
Well, on July 23rd I was at the airport in Denpasar, Bali preparing to leave. I wanted to make a purchase from a vendor in the airport and the card came up declined. Now being the end of my leave, i did not have a lot of credit on my phone. When Chase Fraud Dept put me through the verification process, my credit ran out in the middle of it.
So I switched my sim card to my “emergency” phone credit. And I called the fraud dept. Once again, I asked for a call back but was told that they could not call me on a +966 (Saudi) phone. They also said i needed to send documentation to them. Then the credit ran out on my sim card again.
So I was in Denpasar and due to the inflexibility of Chase fraud dept, i had no telephone, and no access to my checking account. Please understand that this was not just a situation of inconvenience, it was something that i would consider to be dangerous for my personal security.
Yesterday, 7/27 I got a hold of a “Senior Customer Service Representative” named Terese and a “Supervisor” from the fraud department named Rico.
I was informed that i needed to send a picture (!!) of my passport, the front and back of my Chase Debit Card and a second form of ID. Now i have a Saudi Drivers License and a work permit, called an Iqama. But i was told that those would not qualify as proper forms of ID. I should also mention that i was able to successfully complete the automated verification process with no problem.
So as of today i still do not have access to my checking account via my debit card.
I asked Rico if he could call me on my Saudi phone, He said the fraud department had that capability. He could not tell me why the fraud dept could not call me back on 7/15 and 7/23. So i asked Rico to call me on my cell phone, just to verify that indeed Chase can call me back (like they did in 2014 when i was travelling). He said he would call me back but then he never did call…
Ms Joyner, I have some very serious questions about whether i can maintain a relationship with Chase Bank:
Why can the bank not call me back since i use a loaded phone?
Why was it the fraud dept made notes about my travel plans but then my card was declined again?
I was stranded in a foreign country with no access to my checking account and my phone out of credit…what can Chase do for me to make sure this will never happen again?
Should I continue my banking with Chase? Or would it be better to use say a credit union that can meet my needs travelling outside the US?
What are my options for closing my account and transferring my funds to another institution?
I would like to keep my account, and I would like access to mt debit card again. I would like to know how i can reach Chase and get a call back travelling outside the US.
Can you help me?
Thank you very much for your time and consideration
By Ken, August 31, 2015 @ 9:30 pm
I just spent the last hour getting all the Chase Executive’s e mail addresses and sending them all a nice polite e mail telling them how they do not want to help anybody below a 640 credit score and that they are trying to get rid of their customers more than want to help them. I wrote in a very professional manner.
By Elizabeth, September 14, 2015 @ 11:29 am
Chase sucks I have been waiting to speak to someone 1hr and half and I still have to wait about 30 minutes
By Kyle Minton, September 22, 2015 @ 5:10 pm
I was supposed to be issued a EBT card two months ago. I have payed taxes since 1980. There is over $219.00 floating around and $194.00 again this month issued to me by the state I live in. Chase has not sent me a card. Can not speak to Chase without the card number that has never been issued. I wonder where these dollars are? Floating around. I can not use my taxed income in a time of need because I do not possess the CARD that Chase issues. I wonder if Chase may know where the funds are?
J.P. Morgan made Hitler look like a pussy. Look at their deal with the federal government and the fees they charge to welfare recipients. Take a look for the love of God! Billions upon billions.
By Niki, September 29, 2015 @ 2:46 pm
Can anyone help me!
I am in very much needed help. I have a student loan from chase and of course it is a private loan, yes I know my first mistake. However I have a college degree started working full time right out of college didnt get paid much, chase started calling me to pay them right after I graduated. I never received they 6 month grace period from them. To this day I recieve daily phone calls from them. Oh yea I graduated 5 years ago. I currently lost my full time job i took a new one by the grace of God however I get paid less then the first job I had. I recently received a letter in the mail saying i defaulted on my loan and i owe 35,000 in 10 days. When
I called the number given on the letter when I asked the girl if I had options they asked why I or my cosigner could not pay. When I told them that I didn’t even make that amount in a year i asked her if I had any options and the options I was given are still out of the question. I am begging for some help, does anyone know what I can do. I am willing to make payments an pay this off I just need to know how to get my payments down and don’t know where to turn.
Please Help
By Hates Chase, October 27, 2015 @ 12:09 pm
I am my mom’s guardian. Each year I am required to submit an accounting of her estate to the courts. The courts in Dallas, County issue a Letter of Guardianship for 16 months at a time. This gives a few extra months for the guardian’s attorney to complete the audit materials, submit to the courts, and the court auditor to perform their audit. If there are problems, they will not issue a new Letter of Guardianship. As part of the audit package that has to be submitted to the court, the financial institutions where the ward’s funds are held must complete an affidavit that states what the balance of the account was of the audit date (1 year from guardianship appointment). On Saturday, September 12, 2015 I went to the local Chase branch near my home in Dallas, Texas and requested the forms to be completed for four accounts. One of these accounts is a joint account of which my name as well as the ward’s name (my mom) is on. I have delivered these forms in person along with my Letter of Guardianship three times in total since September 12. I have been told weekly that the forms were sent to the court. The forms need to be sent to me so that my attorney can include them in the audit package. I know that if Chase sent them to the court, they maintained a copy. They could never provide the copy. Of course, the court never received anything. Six weeks later, after I had been told that the copy had been sent to my home, I receive a letter from Bo Davies who is supposed to be the Director – National Client Service Center, 4900 Memorial Highway, Third Floor, Tampa, FL 33634-7536 (no direct phone number provided) telling me that they need a new certified Letter of Guardianship since the certified copy I gave them was issued over a year ago (July 2014)even though the one I gave them (certified original) doesn’t expire until November. The court will not give me a new Letter of Guardianship because the current one doesn’t expire and they won’t extend the current one because I have not submitted the audit. This is a simple verification of balance form. They haven’t even sent me the one on the checking account of which I am a joint holder. Customer service at the Chase organization is not a top priority. This is evident to me. You do not lie to your customers. If you haven’t sent it don’t tell them you have. If you don’t know what “Expiration” means look it up in a dictionary. I personally believe that the majority of the customer service issues Chase has is because of it’s size. The US government should not let banks get to the size that they are. We have huge banks that are running the industry and we will continue to get bad customer service because they cannot handle the number of issues. The person who said they worked for Chase had an issue with the attitude of the customer – the reason customers are so frustrated with you is because they are transferred to 10 people before they talked to you, they were probably lied to, they are extremely frustrated. Chase customer service employees do not have the authority to do anything. They are robots following scripts and can only provide minimal help to customers. We need to STOP additional bank mergers. We need to move our money to smaller banks and credit unions who have more concern for the needs of their customers. As soon as I can, I will be closing out my relationship with Chase.
By Unemployment in Texas, October 27, 2015 @ 12:20 pm
If you are drawing unemployment in Texas and have Chase accounts BEWARE! I have filed unemployment twice in the past three years. I have a chase checking, mortgage, overdraft line, and credit card. The Texas Unemployment Commission uses Chase to distribute debit cards for your unemployment funds. Chase uses this against you if you have accounts with them. They find a match on your SSN and then review your accounts with them. The first time I filed unemployment, about two weeks after receiving the Chase debit card for my unemployment funds, I received a letter from Chase that they (never done it before to my knowledge) reviewed my account and have reduced my credit limit to what was outstanding on my credit card (NEVER EVER made a late payment). They also sent me another letter that they were reducing my overdraft protection (NEVER EVER used this) from $1,000 to $250. The second time I drew unemployment, they sent me another letter on my credit card saying they reviewed my account and again reduced my credit limit to the amount outstanding on the card. I have discussed this with others that I know that have been in the same situation with regard to having credit card accounts at Chase and drawing unemployment in Texas and they had the same thing happen to them. BEWARE if you are drawing unemployment in Texas, and you have accounts with Chase, it is better to get checks sent to you vs getting the Chase debit card. If Chase finds out you are on unemployment, they will cut your credit limit to what you owe.
By Nana, October 28, 2015 @ 10:17 pm
HELP! Unprofessional manner by CHASE’s attorney.
Please help proceed settlement process immediately!
In California, I sued CHASE bank for unlawful foreclosure on my condo. Now I agreed settlement.
Set aside of the process so far, Now I have been waiting for their official document for settlement for me to sign on. Over one month now, I have received neither the documen, nor the money. The amount is just less than a drop of tear to huge Farm CHASE, but a quite amount for me.
Their attorney do not follow their plan to send me the document without excuse explained. She has not responded to even my attorney for a while. She is totally UNPROFESSIONAL and in-moral.
My attorney is too kind. He still consider their situation and asking, and just waiting her response. Now CHASE side became disrespecting us. This is a business that must be processed even if she is in a hosp. If something happened, they are the one who came to explain to us.
Their legal departments do not take incoming call. Please let me know right place to contact for me.
Thank you for your help in advance.
By Pear, March 26, 2016 @ 9:17 pm
Horrible customer service. This company will fall.
By C.Early, January 19, 2017 @ 11:25 am
I too am a Chase Victim. Can anyone provide me a Manager’s name in the Executive’s Office located in Houston. I filed a complaint to Federal concerning Chase. Chase responded but the person whose name and number that was provided as contact can’t ever be contacted by staff in Houston or by me. I’ve left numerous messages. So if you have information for the Houston Executive’s office I would appreciate having it.
By Lindsay L. Geiger, February 9, 2017 @ 7:08 pm
By Lindsay Geiger February 9,2017, Chase try hard in stealing from their customers. Chase try to make customers have insufficient funds weekly. Chase would hold all small checks that were written, until a large one come through the bank, and process the large, which in turn would deplete your check account, and make all the small checks, which could have been paid, but now they all fall under insufficient funds. Now you’re paying a $37. insufficient fee on a $5. check. Chase bank does this repeatedly.
By GrampaWilly, May 15, 2017 @ 5:24 am
This act is extortion! The face value of a check is promise to pay the amount listed. It may be legal due to unwarranted influence of the banking lobby, but its immoral. To some this may not be an issue, but I assure you by excepting this they turn there back on those whom it means food or medicine for there children!