Hey Chase, non-customers are potential customers

If a non-customer walks into a bank, what a great chance to win a new customer.  Apparently Chase doesn’t feel this way.

In this case, it happened to be Kate Winslet, stat of Titanic and many other movies, but I am sure this has happened to many other people.

Kate Winslet entered a Chase branch to exchange a bunch of change for bills but the teller refused, in the grounds that she didn’t have an account there.

Chase has thus assured that Kate Winslet, and anyone else this has happened to, will never have an account with Chase.

1 Comment

  • By coakl, January 11, 2011 @ 1:03 pm

    Per Chase policy and procedures, any exchange has to be recorded on the teller’s computer system. And that transaction requires an account number.

    Chase doesn’t want non-customers walking in with a stash of $100’s and demanding small bills in exchange. Or vice-versa. It could be money laundering or an illicit business trying to operate under the table. Plus a bank branch does not have an unlimited amount of each denomination. If you give out all of the $1’s and $5’s to a non-customer, what happens when a real business customer comes in with a change request?

    But most tellers will let things slide and do an exchange without involving the computer, if the amount isn’t substantial and if it’s not a huge pile of loose coin. It could be that the teller at this branch has been pressured by his/her manager to always follow policy.

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