Jamie Dimon speaks

From a business standpoint, Jamie Dimon has done well.  JP Morgan Chase is making record profits and shareholders are pleased.  But clearly from a customer service perspective, on his watch the experience of customers of Chase bank has gone from bad to worse.  Chase sees customers no so much as people to server, but as people to extract fees from and who provide the banks needed capital.

So given the experiential evidence of his philosophy towards treading his customers, his recent remarks at Syracuse University’s commencement ceremony has me scratching my head.

More than any previous generation, you have been tested and shaped by unrelenting change …

The opportunities that you’ll create … may not yet be evident …

But you will change the world for the better.  Of this I am sure.

Given how Chase treats its customers, and Jamie Dimon is the man that sets the tone for his entire organization, how in the world can he consider himself an expert on changing the world for the better.

Jamie Dimon, if you are reading this, treating your customers fairly and with respect is WAY better for business than the slash-and-burn tactics that Chase currently employs.  And you will become much more credible as an authority on changing the world for the better.  Perhaps you should read your own speed again and take it to heart.

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