The JP Morgan Chase smoking gun
Proof that JP Morgan Chase knowingly peddled mortgage-backed securities by overstating their value (WSJ, J.P. Morgan Insider Helps U.S. in Probe, 10/1/13).
Justice Department lawyers are emboldened by documents, uncovered in the course of their investigation, that point to J.P. Morgan knowingly peddling mortgage-backed securities whose underlying loans were of lesser quality than pitched to investors, according to people familiar with the investigation.
By Bago Plenty, November 26, 2013 @ 6:02 pm
Apparently, the $14 billion DoJ settlement from summer 2013 PLUS the $4.5 billion settlement with 21 major institutional investors from November 2013 PLUS the $9 billion they owe the UK, CEO Jamie Dimon remains arrogant and pompous in his internal email to employees in October 2013 where he stated that the financial obligations are of little impact to the bottom line for calendar year 2013:
By JPMC CodeOfConduct, January 28, 2014 @ 6:00 pm
This is what the bank, that admitted to mis-marking hundreds of billions in CDS with no civil or criminal consequence for anyone involved, says about integrity: