Chase bank in full color

This photo posted on flickr is a perfect representation of a Chase Bank branch; there are no staffers anywhere in site.

Payday at Chase Bank by Friendly Joe.

“My branch, anyway. They always seem to be understaffed when most people would want to be there.”

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1 Comment

  • By coakl, January 10, 2011 @ 6:08 pm

    It seems understaffed because the Chase computer system used by tellers is poorly designed: filled with many additional menus and steps that the tellers must complete, and hooked up to a document scanner with a 20% error rate.

    Also, Chase either kept the same number of tellers or did not replace those who left.

    With the same or fewer number of tellers, and computer system that’s less efficient than WaMu’s system, the wait times skyrocketed. It can easily take twice as long to process simple transactions.

    Finally, the tellers are forced to explain unfriendly Chase check-cashing and deposit hold policies to customers. That makes the wait time even worse, lengthens the line, and gives you the understaffing impression.

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