Chase jacking up ATM fees

According to the Wall Street Journal (ATM Fees Heading Higher, 3/16/11) Chase is testing higher fees for non-customers who use their ATM’s.  Chase currently charges $3 for an out-of-network user (that is in addition to whatever that customers bank will charge them) and is testing $4 and $5 ATM withdrawal charges in several states to see what the market will bear.

Keep it up Chase, your just giving lawmakers more reason to consider regulating ATM fees as well as debit swipe fees and overdraft programs.

1 Comment

  • By coakl, March 22, 2011 @ 12:37 am

    $4.00 and $5.00 surcharges are common at casino ATM’s.

    What was really mean and nasty is that Chase also surcharges the electronic benefit cards used by public assistance clients (i.e. AFDC welfare benefits).

    WaMu did not surcharge those people in order to persuade them to come inside and open up checking accounts. WaMu was the only major bank to do this and gained many new checking accounts (and overdraft fees).

    Chase, of course, dislikes low-income customers and added surcharges immediately after WaMu was transferred to Chase by the FDIC.

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