Chase no help for high school student

A reader writes:

I have a high school checking account. Recently 43 dollars was taken from my account by a “nas-coal”, chase has no idea what this is, but this isn’t even the issue i came to complain about. Chase has put a hold on my account until july 1st, 2014. Do they have the right to seal me off from my hard earned money? Their lines always seem to be busy and their service is horrible. I’m in a predicament. a reply would be appreciated, thanks.

Anyone had this experience?  Any suggestions?


  • By Anon, July 10, 2012 @ 11:53 am


  • By ck, July 13, 2012 @ 8:17 pm

    You have some sort of legal hold on your account, probably from some sort of garnishment. They should have an 800 number for you to call and get more info on what it is about. Very odd for a HS ck acct to get this.

  • By Mike, July 20, 2012 @ 5:59 pm

    Yup – go to the new government agency that handles these issues:

  • By coakl, July 30, 2012 @ 9:33 pm

    Do you owe anyone money? Bounced check? (example: check for $18 you wrote that bounced, now they try to collect and the merchant tacks on a $25 bounced check fee)

    If your social security number is already being used by an illegal alien, this could cause the hold.
    Washington Mutual, now owned by Chase, opened MANY accounts for illegals.

  • By Anon, August 28, 2012 @ 6:10 pm

    NAS = National Account Services and Coal = court ordered action levy – it means you owe money to either another bank/irs/or some legal matter.. for example another account that went negative and was never repaid and the court has come into the account to take the money

  • By Buck, October 2, 2012 @ 9:42 am

    If it is a High school account you would have to have a adult on the account as a cosigner they may owe a company money. The NAS is a legal hold from another company not Chase.

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